My Thoughts

My Thoughts on Christianity and Other Things

Archive for the month “February, 2016”

Are You Sure?


When you die, will you go to Heaven? Are you sure? If you say you’re good enough, how do you know? What if you believe that homosexuality is good because Jesus never talked about it. Are you sure that what you believe is correct? I’ve heard Jesus was much like Buddha. The guy telling me this was very sure. But was he correct? If so and if you do believe you can be good enough, then how do you explain Ephesians 2:9 or even Matthew 7:21-23

Two men were arguing about which way was north. Only one was correct. Why? He looked at the compass.

I’ve noticed that many people don’t think about what they believe. They certainly don’t test it. Why?

When I was in maybe eighth grade in school, I had a teacher who told the class that there is no life above the Arctic Circle because it’s too cold. Even as a kid I wonder if she ever heard of Eskimos and polar bears. What about people living in Northern Norway? In my early twenties I was on an ice breaker, and we went north of Point Barrow, Alaska. There’s a lot of life up there.

Some people say that if Jesus was here right now He would be a Democrat. Are you sure? Really sure? Right now I’m guessing that there people that are grinning, thinking “Of course not. He’d be a republican.” Really? Are you sure about that?

Here’s a question for you. With everything that’s been happening, why would The Lord of the universe be impressed with either party?

If Jesus returns right now, what would He do about the Middle East? Would He split Jerusalem and give half to the Palestinians? Would He insist on a two state solution? Maybe even destroying Israel? And are you sure? If you say ‘Yes’, are you sure the person would even be Jesus?

Revelation 19:11-21 talks about Jesus returning and fighting for Israel. And He wins.

Also when He returns, He wouldn’t be interested in our petty little political system. He Himself, will be king. Mark 15:2 Revelation 1:4-6

So how can we be sure of things? More important, how can we be sure we’re going to Heaven? John 3:16 says For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

So do you really believe in Him? Only you can answer that question.

Let me ask you this. Do you believe in Hillary, or Trump? If you’re an American, you’ll either say “yes” or “no”. If you say “yes”, that would mean you believe in everything that person stands for. You’ll stand by that person through thick and thin.

This is how you should believe in Jesus. Even more so. Please get to know Him if you don’t. Start in Matthew and read through Revelation. Then to know Him more, read the Old Testament. Be sure.

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