My Thoughts

My Thoughts on Christianity and Other Things

Archive for the month “May, 2013”

The Creature From Job

Sounds like a title to an old movie like The Creature From the Black Lagoon. The creature from Job is an interesting creature. But there are a lot common creatures that are interesting as well. I want to talk about them first.

I used to have a large friendly dog named Char. I miss that dog. But on a very hot day when Char would pant (and always on me) her breath would feel very hot. I would tell my wife that it felt like a furnace. That’s what happens when you have a large warm blooded animal that pants to keep cool. And on a cold day it would look like smoke was coming from her mouth and nostrils.

Another thing I find interesting is the way a cat’s eyes would glow at night because the way it reflects light when it’s dark. Or the way a fire-fly or lightning bug lights up at night.

Well enough of that. Let’s go check out The Creature From Job. (imagine drama type music here) This creature called a Leviathan and is found in Job 41. Some say it’s a mythical sea monster. Some say it’s a crocodile. Some say it’s a dragon or some other mythical creature. If you read Job 41 you will see that it was written in the present tense. This is an eye wittiness account.

Job 41:1-10 makes it sound like a very tough and ornery animal.

But what does this thing looks like? Job 41:12 says it has enormous strength in its limbs. Job 41:13 and Job 41:15-17 mentions armored skin. Job 41:14 its teeth. So the animal should look a little like this.

D Drawing II

Looks like an odd creature. (I never claim to be an artist.) About the limbs; horses are powerful animals, but you wouldn’t say they have powerful limbs. A bear however; does have powerful limbs. You can see the strength in their limbs, in their front claws. A turtle also has power limbs. This is why I drew this thing with short, stocky legs.

When I was researching this animal I didn’t know what the teeth looked like. I found on a website that said this didn’t have any grinding teeth but instead had ‘leaf type teeth’. Well leaves are flat and thin, so does this mean that this animal had flat and thin teeth? If so, then they could be like round knives.

As far as the armor goes, well armadillos have that. No big deal there.

I am a little disappointed that tail was never mentioned. When I first drew this I did it with a thin tail and again with a thick tail. In the drawing here I used a thick tail. You’ll see why soon.

There is one more obvious physical characteristic, and that is Job 41:30. In the New Living Translation it says, “Its belly is covered with scales as sharp as glass. It plows up the ground as it drags through the mud.” New International Version says, “Its undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge.” I decided to see what the Hebrew said. However the software I’m using doesn’t have Job 41:27-34. I have no idea why. King James Version says, “Sharp stones are under him: he spreadeth sharp pointed things upon the mire.” So let’s put sharp pointed things on our animal.

D Drawing III-A

Hey this looks like could be an ankylosaurus!

Let’s see what else we can learn about the ankylosaurus. In verses 22 through 29 basically says nothing can hurt it. Fact number 4 of a dinosaur fact website confirm this. Verses 31 and 32 suggests that it spins time in the water. Fact number 7 of a dinosaur fact website says the ankylosaurus lives in near-tropical climate. It also says that a cold blooded creature. However verses 20 and 21 suggest that it’s warm blooded, the same way I told you about my dog earlier in this post. If you Google warm blooded dinosaurs you’ll get a lot of possibilities. Also I know for a fact that it can often get down to the 30’s in the near-tropical climate of the southern states. You can see your breath sometimes in the deep south.

Now about the fire in verses 18 and 19. Now I’m just guessing of course, but what if its saliva has glowing properties like that of a lightening bug or firefly? That might explain what could look like fire and flashes of light at night. But like I said, I’m just guessing here. And of course the eyes would glow like that of a cat.

Evolutionists claim that ankylosaurus became extinct about 65 millions years ago. Yet when I tried to find out when they believe man evolved… well I don’t believe they really have an answer. I got dates from 10,000 years for modern man to 100 million for the earliest, primitive sub-humans. Evolutionists seems to have a problem about what they claim and what the Bible says. Remember Job 41 is an eyewitness account of seeing an ankylosaurus first hand. And not only that, but mankind was not a bunch of knuckle-dragging sub-humans. Let read Job 41:6 “Will merchants try to buy it to sell it in their shops?” You can see they had a civilization. And if that weren’t enough, read Job 41:27 “Iron is nothing but straw to that creature, and bronze is like rotten wood.” Did you get that? These people worked with metal! They weren’t that primitive.

If this isn’t enough for you check out what God said in Job 40:15-17.
15 “Take a look at Behemoth,
which I made, just as I made you.
It eats grass like an ox.
16 See its powerful loins
and the muscles of its belly.
17 Its tail is as strong as a cedar.
The sinews of its thighs are knit tightly together.

There is only one creature I can think of that have a tail like a cedar, and you’ll never find one living anymore.

OK, now let’s see if we can warp your mind. (If it’s not done already) All through the ages mankind have been using animals to do hard work. In North America we have used horses to pull plows. I understand that in some countries they have used elephants to do logging. What if, just what if long ago people used dinosaurs to move very heavy things. We have already seen that man and dinosaurs lived during the same time. What if it was possible that they used dinosaurs to move very large and heavy stones? What if they used these stones to build the pyramids in Egypt? Honestly I don’t known if they did this, but it is possible.

We’re Wanted

Wanted edited

A few weeks ago my wife and I went to a fund raiser for Young Life Capernaum. It was a fun evening. It had a Western theme, complete with silly ‘wanted posters’, singing, pie, videos, and pie. Did I say we had pie? Oh man, we had a lot of pie. Young Life Capernaum is for teens and young adults with various kinds of disabilities. It’s best to let them tell you in their own words what it’s about in this link. My wife and I with our church have been involved with this group for about two years now.

The sad fact about people with disabilities is the discrimination they get. Some people discriminate against race, some against religion, or different nationalities. But I dare say, more people discriminate against the people with disabilities than any other group. Whether it’s physical or mental. Don’t believe it? Look at how many people park in the Handicap Parking when they shouldn’t.

Close to ten years ago I was in a bad car wreck which put me in a wheelchair for a couple of months. I am very well aware of parking problems for those in wheelchairs.

Many of our Young Life Capernaum friends have part time jobs. Often times at these jobs (and other places) they have been called stupid, retard, and more. Unfortunately they may get physical abuse too. Life can be rough for them. Yet the people in our group know God loves them. Notice I didn’t say they kinda believe God loves them. No, I didn’t say that. I said they KNOW God loves them. And they KNOW God is with them. I know God is with them too.

Our church has been part of a ministry for disabled young adults for about two years now. But before we got involved, I decided to do a little recon on them. I went out to a mall where they hang out at and watched.

I saw them sitting in groups, talking and laughing and eating together. I saw a few that just sat off by themselves, then I saw some just roaming around visiting different individuals and groups, just to see what’s going on. Socially, they are just like the rest of us. Some are out going and are some shy. Yes individually they may seem awkward because some of them may have downs syndrome or autism or whatever, yet they are often warm and happy to socialize.

One evening six of us went to our first Young Life Capernaum meeting. There I saw a small woman in her early 30s, sitting in a wheelchair. Never in her life has she ever walked. Then I found out that her loudest voice is only a very soft whisper. If people with good hearing have trouble hearing her, how am I with a hearing loss supposed to hear her!? I sat across a large dinning room table from her wondering. Then I saw the woman in the wheelchair moving her hands at someone, and that’s when I realized; she knows ASL. (American Sign Language) I know a little ASL so now I can talk with her. Later I brought my FM so I could hear better. (Sorry for the HOH (Hard Of Hearing) lingo. FM is short for an Assisted Listening Device that uses a FM radio signal for hearing. If you would like more information on one click here.) Unfortunately after years of service, my FM doesn’t work that well anymore. But I still enjoy her company.

Once I saw a TV preacher say God doesn’t need us, BUT He does really want us. All of us, if we’re willing. I don’t know what else he said, but I started thinking about it. It’s like a classic car collector spotting a broken down heap of a car. He wants it because of what it’s worth.

I had a customer once who had me work on his 1970 King Midget. What an interesting car. I asked him how much he paid for it, but he wouldn’t tell me. He just said, “A lot.” Well according to John 3:16 God loves us, He wanted us so much, He sent His Son to save us.

Over time, these Young Life people have integrated into us, and we have integrated into them. Through Christ we are all part of the same body. We are all wanted by God.

Creation or Evolution?

We all know there has been a big debate about which is true. Is creation true? Did God really create the whole universe, complete with stars, planets, and this earth with all the plants and animals on it? Or did everything happened only by mindless accident? Is there a way to find out?

According to there are between 3 to 30 million types of animal species. Wikipedia said the Earth is about 4.54 billion (4,540,000,000) years old, plus or minus .05 billion. The universe is 13.798 billion (13,798,000,000) years old, plus or minus .037 billion.

Too bad we can’t go back through time and watch it all happen. But what if there is an experiment we can do? What if this experiment could prove if evolution was true or not? I will try to go through this experiment step by step and explain my reasoning with you so you too can do this experiment. The number one thing you will need is a spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Office Excel or OpenOffice.

For this experiment there will be a short sentence in form of a question: Hello how are you today? How long could it take for this small sentence to evolve? What are the odds?

If a child were to hand in the homework saying: ‘hello howare you today.‘ it wouldn’t pass. Why? Because the ‘H‘ in Hello, wasn’t in upper case, the space between the words how and are are missing, and the period should be a question mark. So to do this little experiment, we’ll have 26 upper case letters, 26 lower case letters, space, and a period,and question mark to chose from. 55 characters total. (The space between the words count as a character.) The sentence is only 24 characters long. If I were to type ‘h‘, I would have 55 characters to chose from. When I type ‘o‘ that’s another 55 characters. And ‘w‘ another 55. Together it would be 55x55x55 and not 55+55+55.

Spreadsheet IV edited

Let’s use the first set of columns for an example. In column A there is a 1 in 3 chance that the number chosen will be 2. In column B there is a 1 in 3 chance that the number will be 1. However if you put both A and B together it will not be 1 in 6 chance for 21, (3+3) instead it will be 1 in 9 (3×3) chance as seen in column C. You can see by looking at the second set of columns; working with letters is done the same way. So getting back the word ‘how‘. It will not be 55+55+55=165, instead it will be 55x55x55=166375.

So now let’s start the experiment. On your spreadsheet, in grid A1 type Hello how are you today?. In grid A2, since Hello how are you today? is 24 characters long, type =55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55*55 then hit enter. Please note the a spreadsheet will not see x as a times symbol, but only as a letter. To multiply you must use the * symbol. Also notice that the equal sign is in the beginning and not the end. This is the only way a spreadsheet can do calculations.

Your answer will be 1 in 587,089,817,274,070,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance for Hello how are you today? to just happen by accidental means. If you get something like #### or 5.87E+041 double click on the line between the A and B at the top of the columns. This will adjust the width of column A so you can see the whole number.

In grid A3 type If changes happens 100,000,000,000,000 times per second
In grid A4 type Seconds:
In grid A5 type =A2/100,000,000,000,000
In grid A6 type Minutes:
In grid A7 type =A5/60
In grid A8 type Hours:
In grid A9 type =A7/60
In grid A10 type Days:
In grid A11 type =A9/24
In grid A12 type Years:
In grid A13 type =A11/365.25 then hit enter.

Spreadsheet V edited

Your answer in years should be 186,037,536,845,030,000,000.

As you can see, evolutionists have a bit of a problem. Some say there is no God and that the whole universe with all the stars, and all the planets, is only 14,000,000,000 years old. If that’s not amazing enough these same people claim that within these 14 billion years over 3 million 3,000,000 animal species just accidentally happened. And this doesn’t include those that are extinct. What about DNA? What about the rest of the cell, because DNA alone isn’t enough. You also need the cell wall and the rest of the cell. I believe that evolution is nothing more than an illogical fantasy. The only logical explanation is GOD CREATED!

I believe there a few reasons why some people say they believe in evolution. One reason is they hear it from the “experts” and never question what they hear. Another reason is peer pressure. It is often difficult to go against the crowd. Advertisers know this. “More people buy this car.” “Smart people do this.” In this case: “Smart people know evolutionist are correct.” Well we’ve already proven that’s wrong. The chances of our little sentence evolving is nil. However it only takes a child a few moments to write it. Also many people say they believe in evolution because they’re are afraid of being called a stupid religious dummy. Also consider those who do research with the aid of a grant. They often have families to support, home mortgages, car payments. They can’t afford to loose that grant money.

The last reason, is that there are some people out there (and I believe their numbers are growing) who honestly want nothing to do with God. Some even hate God and say there is no God. (even though I am sure deep down, they know there is God.) Again I will say the only logical explanation is God created. Anything else is a fantasy.

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